Looking for greeting cards that are a little bit different? Our original concertina cards add a unique offering to your retail shop; something that your customers may not have seen before but will instantly LOVE. These luxury banner cards are great for extra special occasions such as milestone birthdays and they have lots of space on the back to write messages - really useful when a whole office team wants to sign the card. From luxury metallic foil to striking typographic designs, we offer unique greetings for every occasion. Contact us today to learn more about our generous trade terms.
Coulson Macleod fold-out concertina cards have been a firm favourite for over 10 years. Our design team loves to make greeting cards that are a little bit different. Cards that will delight the recipient. The sparkling metallic banner cards and Funky Confetti pastel range remain bestsellers but we're always looking to produce new, exciting designs made from the finest quality card stock. We also supply bespoke POS units providing eye-catching display solutions for your shop.